Don´t Get Wet, the best season to visit Guatemala is the dry season

by Ana Cetina, July 10, 2024

Guatemala, known as the country of the eternal spring, is a land of smoldering volcanoes, green jungles, emerald rivers and lakes, and ancient Mayan cities. But the rainy season can turn trails into mudslides and afternoons into downpours, timing your trip is key and the dry season is the best time to travel and uncover the magic of Guatemala. Dry season stretches from November to April, and it transforms Guatemala into a traveler’s paradise.

Hiking Pacaya volcano is a popular activity during this time, when the trails are dry and the sky is clear. Another great activity is kayaking on lake Atitlan with a crystal-clear water and a blue sky over your head. Lush rainforest becomes clear making wildlife observation a major activity in this area, Visit ancient ruins bask in glorious sunshine, and dusty Mayan roads become perfect for exploration.

Guatemala’s vibrant culture bursts to life during the dry season. Witness the gravity-defying processions of Holy Week, during this week Antigua is the place to be; with sawdust carpets that look like master pieces, that lasts only until the procession goes over it, street food, religious rites and good weather, the best week to see Guatemalan culture.

During Christmas the sun shines and you will get to see the beautiful decorations all around Guatemala and the central parks of every major town and experience the delicious local cuisine of the season. From lively town festivals exploding with music and dance to traditional ceremonies under clear skies, the dry season offers a front-row seat to Guatemala’s soul.

Capture the iconic Fuego Volcano spewing smoke against a bright blue canvas. Snap unique photos of Lake Atitlan, its turquoise waters reflecting the uninterrupted sunshine. Let’s face it, carrying around rain gear and battling muddy roads isn’t exactly how you picture your ideal vacation. The dry season brings clear skies and comfortable temperatures, allowing you to pack lighter and explore further. Transportation becomes smoother as roads dry up, and unexpected downpours become a thing of the past.

For those escaping the cold winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Guatemala’s dry season offers the perfect sunny escape. Trade snow boots for light shoes and embrace the warm sunshine as you explore the wonders of this captivating country.

The dry season’s magic comes with a price tag – popularity. So, to avoid crowds and secure the best deals, book your flights and accommodations well in advance.

By planning your trip during the dry season, you’ll experience the magic of this country at its absolute best. So, pack your bags, grab your sunglasses, and get ready to fall in love with Guatemala under the warm glow of the dry season sun.